Scenes and Gifs from Ghana
Ghana is a frustrating country for photographers. Here, you’ll find some of the most spectacular photo opportunities in your entire life … but you’ll also find a people who are extremely reticent to have themselves, their families or their homes photographed. We got yelled at so many times, that we eventually adopted a policy of not bringing out the camera, unless it was absolutely clear that taking pictures was going to be cool.

So, we don’t have as many snapshots of Ghana as we wanted. Yes, we have thousands, but could have easily gotten into the tens of thousands if allowed to photograph everything we wanted to. Here are some of our favorite pics (and GIFs!) which don’t fit into any of our other articles.

Very cool. Tentatively planning to go there on the way to Israel in March. (Regarding photos – a long lens might be your best friend!) Loved the photos & videos. Steve – USA