For 91 Days in Ghana – The E-Book
For 91 days, Jürgen and I lived in Ghana… it was our first time in Africa, and this country provided a perfect introduction. We started in Accra, the coastal capital city, but made an effort to see as much of Ghana as possible. It was a thrilling three months … we ate new foods, explored unbelievable landscapes, met loads of friendly people, and documented everything on our blog, which we’ve now turned into an e-book: all of our articles and over 200 full-color photos, available in one handy, portable edition.

This e-book is perfect for your Kindle, Nook or other e-reader, and can be accessed while you’re on the road, possibly without internet access. We’re sure that our anecdotes, advice and photos can help inspire and inform your own trip to Ghana.
For just a few bucks, you can download your own copy of the e-book. You can order it from Amazon, or directly through us. MOBI, PDF and EPUB versions are available. If you’d like, take a look at some sample pages from the PDF.