For 91 Days in Ghana

Adventures, anecdotes and advice from three months exploring Ghana

For 91 Days we lived in Ghana. Over the course of three months, we saw as much of the country as we could, from Elmina in the south to Bolgatanga in the north, and dozens of sites in between. We spent long periods in Accra and Kumasi, got to meet the locals, enjoyed Ghanian cuisine, and saw tons of wildlife.
Whether you're planning your own journey to Ghana, or just interested in seeing what makes it such a special country, our articles and photographs should help you out.

Maakye, Ghana!

Heralded as one of Africa's friendliest and most stable countries, Ghana is going to be our home for the next three months. This will be our first time in Africa, and we couldn't be more excited. We plan on diving right in, and immersing ourselves in the country's culture, cuisine, and history. We'll hopefully get to meet some of the locals ... and we'll definitely be eating loads of fufu. The next 91 days are going to be a wild ride.

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